Monday, November 21, 2011

Play that funky football, right boys...

We had our last Wine Dinner of the year last week, and I could kick myself for not taking better photos of it!  My boyfriend is the photographer in our relationship, while I usually cut people's heads off and have random blurry images here and there. 

Our theme was supposed to be fairly simple this  But, of course, I can't do anything simple.  I have to make my life difficult at times, even if it makes me crazy.  So I didn't plan ahead for this one, didn't spend hours making centerpieces or name tags.  Overall, I wish I had done a bit more, because it felt like it was boring to me...even though everyone else seemed to like it.  See?  I have to make my life NOT SIMPLE!

But I digress....

At the last minute, I got the brilliant (okay, not so much in hindsight) idea of painting some football-ish shaped vases to look like....footballs...and threw some fake mums in them for centerpieces.  Not my best work, but I am happy about my name cards.  I bought some royal blue and hot pink binder clips from the office store and made Cowboy-star festooned cards and name pennants out of scrapbook paper. 

My best idea was literally at the last minute, when I needed to make cards for five more people and was out of scrapbook paper.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a photo of them at the actual event.

Ah well.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Person of Pinterest

My name is Michele, and I'm addicted to Pinterest.  I've even found myself abandoning Facebook (gasp! sputter!) to spend time on Pinterest.  I do like that the idea is to click on something you like and it will ultimately take you directly to it's original owner or website.  I do understand that that is not always the option as well.  I've been saving ideas on my computer for many years, and saving ripped out magazine photos for decades now.  I would love to have all of those images magically transported to Pinterest, and credited to the proper people, but I know that's not going to happen easily. 

In the meantime, I'm still happily pinning away!

Friday, November 4, 2011

The party's over...

Well, the New Orleans themed Masquerade/Halloween Wine Dinner party has come and gone, leaving me with melted candles and more painted wine bottles than I know what to do with.  It was a rousing success, however, and I can't wait for the next one! 

 Just Buried